Instead of each lens, these prescription glasses include tiny holes that form an opaque plate, like dark shades. These glasses are a great addition to your visual regimen because they are made to help with both near and far vision.
made to enhance vision, regardless of how far away or close an item is.
These glasses are intended to help you feel more visually comfortable and are meant to be used as part of your eye care regimen.
intended to be incorporated into the routine treatment of problems such astigmatism, myopia, and presbyopia.
intended to support your eye care regimen and help you use traditional glasses or contact lenses less frequently.
created to boost your innate visual faculties in order to aid vision.
Promote the development of healthy visual habits.
intended to be incorporated into your daily eye care regimen in order to promote the health of your eyes.
Grid Glasses are intended to be incorporated into your visual practice in order to aid in the restoration of visual clarity. You must adhere to the regimen exactly for the best results.
Every two to three days, people with normal vision can wear them for 15 minutes as a preventative measure.
It is best for those with low visual acuity to get used to the still-unfamiliar exercises gradually. The glasses should be worn for 15 minutes at first, and then for longer if necessary.
Use the glasses for both near vision (in a closed space) and distance vision (in an open space), such as when reading, to fully engage the eye muscles. Because the opaque plate lessens light intensity, it can be required to improve brightness in enclosed environments.
You can use Grid Glasses to read, watch TV, or even work on a computer screen.